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Inclusion through Activism, Communication and Tolerance

Have you ever felt left out in a group?
Have you seen people being treated wrongly just because they were different?
Do you feel the need to do something about social injustice?
How easy is it for you to communicate your ideas and build arguments?
iACT project has been designed with the purpose to look into these questions and find answers, build strategies and share them with young people age 18 to 25, and empower them to initiate a change in the society.
International Arts Centre Zagreb and U Thrive Europe Brussels have completed their first Erasmus+ project, Inclusion through Activism, Communication and Tolerance (iACT), which had been implemented from November 2021-November 2023 in Zagreb and Brussels.
The project has:
· increased the capacities of our two partner institutions for work with diverse groups of young people and young people with less opportunities through international cooperation and synergy in the development of new activities.
· empowered young people (18-25 years old) from different backgrounds to actively participate in society on local, national and European level by enabling them to understand and embrace their identities and diversity in all its forms.
We fulfilled our promise to provide creative activities and workshops, stimulating discussions, an outlet for artistic expression, new friendships, some travel and lots of fun. All activities, which includeed training and exchange of expertise for trainers and interactive workshops for young people 18-25 years of age, were free of charge for participants.
The results produced on the project are ready available to all our website visitors free of charge. Feel free to use our Educational Program Curriculum in your work with students, watch recordings of the work we have done on our YouTube channel and take the free Online Course on Inclusion on our inart website.
Project gallery

The project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This post reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein.
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