Interactive educational program
Program for young people on inclusion, non-discrimination and democratic participation
This unique programme was designed by four trainers who used their expertise and experience as well as skills and knowledge acquired during the training for trainers activities in order to develop an original, blended-learning, educational programme for youth.
From International Arts Centre Zagreb, Romana Petrušić (actor, director and drama trainer) and Andreana Baeva-Motušić (political economist and educator in democracy and civic engagement) are currently leading classes in artistic expression and political sciences. From U Thrive Europe, Aida Pana (emotional intelligence trainer) and Tatiana Levceva (debate and persuasion techniques trainer) are currently leading classes in social understanding and debate.
The interactive educational program gathered 30 young participants (15 from Croatia and 15 from Belgium) who met up once a week in Zagreb and Brussels in person and once a month the whole group met up in an online Zoom session. The program was based on inclusion, non-discrimination and democratic participation and included activities such as lectures, discussions, debates, drama, field trips and creative work. As a result of the 36 week long Educational preogramme, the participans have created a short online course on social inclusion and equity in democratic societies. Each participant has received a Certificate of Completion uppon finishing the program. Participants have created and worked on their YouthPass throughout the project and recorded their experiences.
Over the course of the program participants have:
Explored the importance of diversity in democratic societies
Gained knowledge about the democratic processes in modern society
Observed social exclusion from a personal and societal point of view
Learnt how social exclusion impacts our relational and social brain
Received training on building arguments and communicating clearly
Practised engaging in a debate
Explored social inclusion issues through drama
Learnt about and presented own ideas through Forum theater
Explored forms of activism and democratic participation
Discussed online communication and fake news
Learnt about the psychology of social activism and participation
Gained knowledge about the benefits of activism on psychological well-being
Created an original short online course on social inclusion for the members of their generation
Received a Certificate of Completion (for those who attended classes regularly)
At the end of the project the Educational Program Curriculum has been created and is available for use to anyone free of charge, at the following link:
This project offered young adults the ability to partake in initiating and creating change! We believe in the power of diversity working together and we wish to share the chance to be a part of the solution with young people.

The project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This post reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein.