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Training-for-trainers in Zagreb

Training in Zagreb 25-28 of April 2022

The training in Zagreb started on Monday, 25 April, on a bright and sunny day.

The first to go was Andreana with her lecture on civic engagement. We focused on the importance of conveying the message about the necessity of civic engagement to the future participants on our project.

Day two started with Tatiana's lecture about debate as a means of persuasion. The subject was so interesting that we skipped lunch and had a mock debate in the afternoon.

On the day three Aida gave us the first part of her lecture about the emotional inteligence. We discovered certain stuff about ourselves that we didn't know before, and learned a lot about how the human brain works.

In the afternoon Tana, our guest lecturer on the day, did a few drama games and exercises with us, again opening our eyes to new ideas and methods of work on the project.

On day four we continued our education in emotional intelligence with lots of discussion, and for the second part of the day immersed ourselves in drama and improvisational techniques. It was time for our partners to leave, although we had a feeling we could go on for another week.

Ancient Paper

The project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This post reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein.

EN V Co-funded by_NEG.png

Satovi se održavaju

Radnim danom u večernjim terminima i subotom od 9 - 15h
Gajeva 10

Preradovićeva 29

© 2017 MojaScena | Međunarodni centar za umjetnost, Zagreb

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