Transnational project team meetings
Project team meetings in Zagreb and Brussels
Four project team meetings were held in Zagreb and Brussels.
The kick-off and final meetings were coordinated by International Arts Centre, Zagreb, while the two interim meetings were coordinated by U Thrive Europe.
The first meeting was held in Zagreb on February 4, 2022. The meeting was led by Romana Petrušić, President of International Arts Centre, Zagreb, the project's lead institution. During the morning session, the project team, which met for the first time in person, discussed the terms of the consortium agreement, worked on the setting up of a collaboration and communication plan, went through project management tools, and discussed finances and budgeting. After the lunch break, the project team continued with the afternoon session. The team went through the project activities and responsibilities of each team member, started planning the first activity (Training-for-trainers), agreed on criteria for selecting youth participants, and discussed the dissemination plan and activities.
The second meeting was held in Brussels on November 24, 2022. The meeting was led by Tatiana Levceva as a representative of the partner organization - U Thrive Europe. The project team evaluated the implementation of Activity 1 (Training-for-trainers), exchanged experiences related to and worked on the further planning of Activity 2 (Interactive educational program for young people), discussed Activities 4 and 5, analyzed communication and collaboration withing the project team and with target groups, and analyzed budgetary spending.
The third meeting again was held in Brussels on April 6, 2023. The meeting was led by Tatiana Levceva from U Thrive Europe. The project team discussed the implementation of Activity 2 (Educational interactive program for young people) – in particular, the joint work on curriculum development, the invitation of guest lecturers and the remaining online sessions. Additionally, the team worked on the planning of Activity 3 (Short digital course on social inclusion and equality), discussed the organization of project dissemination activities, and reviewed budgetary spending.
The fourth and final transnational meeting of the project team was held in Brussels on October 13, 2023. The meeting was led by Andreana Baeva-Motušić, project manager. The project manager made a summary of all completed activities and presented all project outputs and results. A review of the evaluation of the completed activities was made, and project team members shared their personal opinions. All project team members expressed their satisfaction with the work completed and with their participation in the project. Ideas for new projects were discussed.
Project cooperation has been productive and inspirational, and project team members agree that the project’s impact, in terms of the development of new courses, educational materials and expertise exchange, on their institutions has been very positive.

The project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This post reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein.